President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has pledged to once again, reignite the beacon of ethics in the Maldives. He made the statement in his address to the nation given on the occasion on this year’s National Day.

In his address, the President said that in conjecture with enriching Islamic values in the country, the age-old customs of Maldivians must also be revitalized. He spoke, at length, on the exemplary values demonstrated by the Maldivian over the years, adding that this deeply enriched value system was seen in the past years.

He said that such value systems were intrinsic to revitalizing our national identity.

“I wish to see a Maldivian nation that rises at dawn. I wish to see a Maldivian nation where children are engrossed in the study of Quran in the morning and dusk. I wish to see the prayer congregations swell for daily prayers. I wish that all Maldivians would seek the limitless bounty and blessings of the prayers [observed in congregation]. And, I wish to bring back the respect we paid to our mosques,” he said.

The President urged all to begin implementing these changes starting individually and expanding it to their families and dear ones.

In his address President Dr Muizzu reminded the nation of the immense responsibility towards protecting the younger generations from external threats, that are antithetical to Maldivian values and Islam. This, he said, was a responsibility of every parent, every teacher and every citizen, urging all to take lead in addressing the issue.

The President concluded his address by stressing on the importance of unity in preserving the nation.